Artist Name(s): Leo / 리오
Album Title: The First Album
Release Date: 2001.05.09
Label: Star World
Language: Korean
File Information
Combined Length: 00:55:14
Bit Rate: 128 kbps
Purchase: Unavailable at YesAsia
Track Listing
- Intro
- 그대 천천히 (Slow Down, Baby)
- 그녀가 나를 버렸다 (I Was Abandoned By Her)
- Good Friend
- 나를 기억하는지 (If You Still Remember Me)
- 아버지의 꿈 (Father’s Dream)
- First Time In Love
- Drive
- First Dream
- 우리가 함께 할게 One (We’ll Be With You)
- Cherish
- C’mon C’mon (Come On Come On)
- 함께한 약속 (The Promise That We Made)
- Slow Down, Baby (Remix ver.)