What is the date format?
Example: 2015.01.01
It is year.month.day.
I have also labeled dates as month day, year.
What is the video format?
A majority of the videos are .mp4 format (H.264/MPEG-4). I am able to play the videos I have encoded on my phone using the regular Gallery app. No special app or plugin needed.
Recently, I decided to no longer re-encode videos no matter what format they were in originally such as .avi, .ts, etc. I will now upload them in their original format. I have not had any issues playing videos using VLC media player.
What is the audio format?
The files will be in .mp3 format, most being 320kbps VBR. If I post albums dating pre-2005, the files may be of lower quality (128kbps-192kbps). I usually try to purchase the album if it is still available. Most of the time they are out of print, though.
What is the password?
If you come across one of the files that requires a password in order to unzip it, the password is “visualazn.net” — without the quotes.
When do you update the files section?
Whenever I have time (more so now thanks to working from home due to covid). I have the posts scheduled to go up during the weekend.
Will you upload new stuff?
No, I try not to. I prefer to share files that are not easily available anymore. I have always disliked it when albums are out of print and are not available to purchase (either digital or physical).